What is a virgin oil?
To be virgin, an oil must be extracted solely through mechanical means without heat or chemicals (aka cold pressed). This means it retains its flavour and its health benefits. Virgin olive oils and Virgin rapeseed oils both contain plenty of monounsaturated fats, polyphenols, antioxidants, omegas and vitamins, which can help fight diabetes, lower cholesterol and prevent cardiovascular disease.
What is an extra virgin oil?
We sell extra virgin oils. They are virgin oils that have been graded as higher quality. This grading is based on a superior flavour, colour and aroma.
What about non-virgin oils?
Any oil not marked as virgin or extra virgin is likely to be a refined oil. This means it has been produced using heat and/or chemicals. The process strips the oil of its health benefits, as well as affecting the colour and flavour.
Some refined oils can also be very unstable. They can react to heat and light easily. When they react, they degrade and produce trans fats which can lead to diabetes II and cardiovascular diseases.
What is organic?
We sell organic pumpkin, olive, sesame and avocado oils.
‘You must be certified by an approved UK organic control body if you produce, prepare, store, import, export or sell organic food in the UK.
You can only label food as ‘organic’, or use terms relating to organic production methods, if:
it meets organic production rules
at least 95% of the agricultural ingredients are organic
all other ingredients, additives and processing aids are listed as permitted within the organic regulations
the product, its labels and any suppliers are certified by an approved UK organic control body’